Planting Trees for Earth Day 2018

Earth Day 2018


Friday, April 20th is Earth Day.  It is a day to celebrate and care for the earth and all that lives on and in it.

Hungarian Oak Tree
In the past, our school has done many things for Earth Day.  Sometimes we cleaned up our school and the surrounding block.  In 2012, we cleaned up Coyote Point.  In 2015, we had Garden Tours and a Salad Bar.  

Earth Day 2009

Planting fruit trees for Project 360
Apples from Teacher Martin's tree

This year for Earth Day we will plant trees. We will plant Hungarian Oaks.
Over the years, our school has planted many trees around our school.  For example, we planted the fruit trees behind the garden, the special apple tree to honor Teacher Martin, trees near the SMART Center and trees near the staff parking lot.
 The new Hungarian oak trees will be planted along the sidewalk in front of the classrooms numbered from 28 to 20.    We will plant the trees at 9 am on Friday, April 20th.  If you are helping to plant the trees, you should wear close toed shoes (no sandals or flip flops)and be ready to get a little dirty.  The City of San Mateo will provide tools and do most of the digging. 

Trees Make Things Better

Trees help the community in many ways:

* Increase property values
* Mitigate climate change
*  Remove carbon dioxide from the air
*  Store carbon in trees and soil
* Release oxygen
* Prevent soil erosion
* Provide social benefits
* Add grace and beauty
* Provide wind and sun protection
* Lower heating and cooling costs
* Provide habitat for songbirds
* Reduce stress and improve healing
* Provide benefits to the City of San Mateo
* Reduce graffiti, vandalism and littering
* Reduce domestic aggression and violence

Further reading and graphics:

Planting Trees for Earth Day 2018 Planting Trees for Earth Day 2018 Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on April 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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