Cat Wars

They say you can choose your friends but not your family but when you are a cat then you get no choice on which other cats your owner brings home to be your "friends".  And just like humans some cats do not like other cats. I mean some cats REALLY do not like each other:

Like Fumée and Moo, two of our cats.

Yup - we live in the middle of "cat wars" where Fumée and Moo are sworn enemies.

We had Fumée before Moo and she is one of the sweetest, but most shy of cats you could ever expect to meet. In fact she is so shy we cannot stroke her are all and the only time we ever get to hold her, for example to give her a worm pill, is by grabbing her at feed time.  But she is always around us ... just keeping a metre or so of space between us and happy so long as we don't try to touch her.

Enter Moo, the stray cat who arrived 18 months ago.  A survivor but possibly with just a touch of attitude ... or should that be Catittude (sorry!).

Initially things were OK between the two but over time relations have deteriorated.  Now we regularly have either very loud caterwauling if the two meet or worse, full on fur flying fighting.  They really detest each other.

Is it because they are both grey and white?

Is it because Fumée ADORES our other cat, Firkin, so sees Moo as a threat?

Is it because they are both female?

You know what - we have no idea.

Thinking back I suspect Fumée may have made the first "I am not sure I like you around here" hiss but now it is more often Moo who starts the attack.

Grrrrr - it is so annoying. 
Girls - we love you both.  Firkin only really loves himself so isn't worth fighting over and neither of you looks good with fur flying.

So please - just find a way to get along ...and if you can't, maybe you should try this, Moo ...

Do you have cats who don't get on?  Have you found any ways to help them become friends? 

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Cat Wars Cat Wars Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on January 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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