Saari is 10 - Happy Birthday

10 years ago we moved to France.  A few weeks after we arrived we found a nearby dog refuge and went for a "quick look round" ... and came home with Saari, an 11 week old puppy!  She will be 10 this week so I thought I would celebrate this with some of my favourite pictures of her.  I hope you enjoy them too.

Thief - she finally pulled it over!

Saari does like her warmth and comfort

With her best friend - we still miss you Poppy x

Snow Dog - she is half Husky

Boy's best friend

More thieving

Was she really that little when she first arrived?

Tag with Poppy

She does love a BBQ

Patent BBQ Cleaner

Happy 10th Birthday Saari
I love all these photos and hope you do too.  Do you have a favourite?

Saari is 10 - Happy Birthday Saari is 10 - Happy Birthday Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on June 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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