Weekly Green Tips #37 - Plants to feed the birds

Week 36 - Bird attracting plants

With large areas of the countryside put over to agriculture with the associated loss of natural habitats and use of pesticides to kill off insects, our gardens are now more important than ever as reserves for wild birds.  Growing plants that feed the birds can really help maintain and build populations.

7 great food plants for birds

1.   Hawthorn

This native plant is a mainstay of countryside hedges and provides both berries and nesting sites for birds.

2.  Pyracantha

These berry-laden plants help sustain birds all through the winter.

3.  Ivy

Thick ivy climbing up a wall, fence or tree with its nutritious berries provide a feast for birds, especially in late winter/early spring when other food sources have all been eaten.

4.  Crab-apple

Crab-apples are a small tree suitable for may gardens and whilst their small apples are too bitter for human tastes (unless put into jellies), they are loved by birds.

5.  Thistles and Teasels

A super tidy gardener may recoil at the thought of growing thistles but their seeds are adored by goldfinches.  If you really cannot bear the thought of having thistles, teasels are a good alternative.

6.  Sunflowers

Let your garden giants go to seed and the birds will gobble them up in autumn and winter.

7.  Insect attracting plants

OK so not a single plant but remember not all birds are vegetarian.  Many are insect eaters so planting anything that attracts insects will be good for bringing in birds.  Buddleia, herbs, cosmos, yarrow are all good choices and not using any pesticides will ensure you have insects to feed the birds.

For more tips on how to attract birds to your garden have a read of this earlier This earlier Weekly Green Tips I wrote - 7 ways to attract birds to your garden.

Have you seen all the other posts in #WeeklyGreenTips?  Click on "Weekly Green Tips" in the labels section in the right hand column for loads more green inspiration.

A Green and Rosie Life

Weekly Green Tips #37 - Plants to feed the birds Weekly Green Tips #37 - Plants to feed the birds Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on January 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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