Hip Hip Hooray - A Happy Hippo Post.

With the news a seemingly endless trail of bad news it is lovely to wake up one morning to a wonderful piece of conservation news. The International Union for Conservation of Nature's Pigs, Peccaries, and Hippopotamus Specialist Group has announced that, thanks to tireless conservation work, Hippopotamus populations have now recovered from the decimation brought about by poaching. 

More details can be found on this page from Nature World News where ...


"The hippo is one of Africa's iconic species, one that is becoming increasingly threatened by hunting and other factors," said Deo Kujirakwinja, Wildlife Conservation Society Scientist and the author of the report. "Our findings that hippos are on the increase is encouraging and evidence that efforts to protect hippos and other species are working. "
 I am a happy hippo lover today.

For more hippos images do head over to the Hippo Pinterst board I have with Eco-Gites of Lenault.
Hip Hip Hooray - A Happy Hippo Post. Hip Hip Hooray - A Happy Hippo Post. Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on November 17, 2016 Rating: 5

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