Weekly Green Tips #27 - 7 Great Green Hobbies

Week 27 - Great Green Hobbies

Have you thought about green hobbies you can take part in?  Here are my top 7 leisure activities that are great for you and the planet.

7 Green Hobbies

1. Upcycling and Nature Crafting

If you are the crafty type then upcycling old things into lovely new products is the perfect green hobby.  Furniture restoration, making new clothes from old, card creation, crafts using natural materials... the list is endless and Pinterest can be your ispiration.  Go on - get crafty and see what you can upcycle.  For some nature inspired craft ideas have a look at my Pinterest Board - Being Crafty with Nature and for upcyling ideas I have A New Lease of Life.

2.  Wildlife Watching

You can do this either on your own or as part of an organised group.  Dig out those binoculars for a bit of bird watching, turn over old logs and see what minibeasts lurk below, set up a moth trap, go on a bat walk, help with a wildlife survey .... You could even take up beekeeping!  And if you followed my tips on attracting both bees and birds to your garden you'll not even have to go far to see plenty of creatures!

3. Start Gardening

Growing your own fruit and vegetables is something I have mentioned many times and gives you ultra fresh, totally local food.  If you like cut flowers in the house why not grow your own as you'll have a much better selection than is available in the shops and you'll know the flowers will have been grown without loads of pesticides.

4.  Keep Chickens

Chicken keeping is a great hobby and believe you me, chickens can give you hours on entertainment.  They also provide you with a constant supply of manure for your garden and lay your fresh breakfast egg.

5. Volunteer for a local wildlife/conservation charity

Local wildlife trusts and many council run wildlife groups who are always looking for volunteers to help manage the local countryside.  You'll get to learn some great new skills such as the ancient arts of hedge-laying and coppicing and meet lots of like minded people.  You never know, you might even meet your future partner .... I did!

If you fancy something a bit more sedentary after all that upcycling, wildlife watching, gardening, walking/cycling and conservation work here are a couple of less energetic ideas:

6.  Reading

No need to buy a new book.  Charity shops, boot fairs and of course your local library are all great sources of reading material or see what books you can swap with or borrow from friends.  Thanks to one of my lovely French friends I have a pile of French books to work through - that'll keep me busy for months!

7.  Play Board Games

Switch from TV/Computer games to a good old fashioned board game.  Board games have seen a real resurgence in the last few years and there is sure to be one to suit you.  Have a look here at our favourites.

 Do you have any green hobbies you'd like to share with us? 

A Green and Rosie Life

Weekly Green Tips #27 - 7 Great Green Hobbies Weekly Green Tips #27 - 7 Great Green Hobbies Reviewed by Hardeyjumoh on October 13, 2016 Rating: 5

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